Version 2023.08.11.1527
New features
- Non administrator/local user install mode added.
- Company name changed to 'Rons Place Software Inc.'.
- None.
Version 2022.05.07.0911
New features
- Pro Evaluation 30 license removed.
- None.
Version 2021.10.19.0659
New features
- Signing certificate updated.
- None.
Version 2020.06.22.0827
New features
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.8.
- Computer ID improved to ignore WiFi adapters.
- None.
Version 2020.06.22.0827
New features
- None.
- License validation issue fixed.
- Fixed portable version batch script location issue.
Version 2019.09.23.1506
New features
- Reverted due to functional issues: clarity improved for high DPI screens.
- None.
Version 2019.09.23.1506
New features
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.7.
- Clarity improved for high DPI screens.
- Portable version introduced.
- Command line batch mode changed to refer to installed binaries rather than copy them to the target directory.
- None.
Version 2019.05.11.1659
New features
- None.
- Install issue fixed.
Version 2019.04.24.0810
New features
- Code signing certificate changed to 'Rons Place Software'.
- None.
Version 2019.04.24.0810
New features
- Conflict resolution option added.
- License validation added to command line application.
Version 2018.08.16.0820
New features
- Column resize options added.
- Changing the case of a file detected as conflict fixed.
- 'Replace Text (Bulk)' text feature fixed.
- 'Replace Text' rule replaces with nothing by default.
Version 2018.01.25.0831
New features
- None.
- License entering issue fixed.
- Terminal Server logging issue fixed.
- Running instance detection changed to work on shared server.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2017.12.01.1527
New features
- 'Text Replace Bulk' rule added.
- None.
Version 2017.11.24.0713
New features
- Duplicate detection improved to take into account the marked files.
- Mark count added.
- Roman numeral support added.
- File Move and Copy functionality added.
- License check added in preparation for portable version.
- None.
Version 2016.09.08.1523
New features
- 'Options' windows added with 'Home Folder' option.
- 'Change Extension' rule added.
- None.
Version 2015.09.27.1325
New features
- None.
- Crash when selecting the 'Add Music Tag' or 'Add Image Tag' fixed.
- Create Batch Script functionality fixed.
- Create Shortcut functionality fixed.
Version 2015.06.30.1925
New features
- None.
- Setting storage international issue fixed.
Version 2015.05.21.1851
New features
- None.
- Exif tag changed for Date Taken value in 'Add Image Tag' rule.
Version 2014.11.16.1257
New features
- Pro and Lite licensing model introduced.
- Icons and images updated.
- None.
Version 2014.05.26.2129
New features
- None.
- Bug in Create Batch Script fixed.
Version 2014.05.12.2142
New features
- Install updated to work in a .net 4.0 only environment.
- Find/replace numbers can now use non numerical text as the replace value.
- None.
Version 2014.02.17.1903
New features
- Application brought in line with new website release.
- Problem processing non-English licenses fixed.
Version 2013.11.21.0725
New features
- Space character added to 'Add Space' rule.
- Help file removed. (To be implemented on the website).
- GUI enhancements made.
- Moved to .net framework 4.0.
- None.
Version 2012.05.30.2053
New features
- New license model introduced.
- Buttons and menus reorganized for a more consistent interface.
- Save location shortcut added.
- Open and delete file support added.
- Hyperlink location navigation added.
- Update of new file names moved to background to improve the handling of very large file lists.
- Random number sequence added to Add Numbers rule.
- Number Rule bug fixed.
- Add value now saved in Replace Date/Time rule.
- File not associated when opening file handled.
Version 0.8.X
New features
- MP3 tag rule added.
- EXIF image tag rule added.
- Rule descriptions added to rule set area.
- Date/time Replace rule added.
- Various visual updates
Bug fixes
- Directory hyperlink to non-existing directory crash fixed.
- Invalid file character in save dialog handled.
Version 0.6.X
New Features
- Very long filename support added (about 32,000 characters).
- New 'Replace Numbers' rule added.
- PayPal button added.
- Visual layouts improved.
Bug Fixes
- Dates in 'Date Add' rule sometimes wrong by about 7 seconds.
- Bug in file filter fixed.
- Arbitrary limit in 'Add Numbers' rule removed.
Version 0.6.X
New Features
- Command line support has been added.
- Rename can now be rolled back on rename error or cancel.
- Sort added to "Add Numbers" rule.
- Region added to "Add Date" rule.
- Online update checking added.
- Threading added to make application responsive during long refresh.
- A record of files renamed is now kept in the log file.
- Visual layouts improved.
Bug Fixes
- Empty "For characters:" in "Remove Space" rule crashed the application.
- "Applies to:" changed to only process file names, not directory names.
- Code Profiled for Performance and memory use
Version 0.4.34
New Features
- NA - Original version
Bug Fixes
- NA - Original version
Related Information
Rons Renamer