Current Version (2024.05.15.0827)
New features |
- Non administrator/local user install mode added.
- Icon updated.
- Clipboard error handling made even more robust.
- HTML decoding hexadecimal character decoding improved.
- Environment resilience improved.
- Library update.
Bugs |
Version 2023.12.11.0849
New features |
- Dark and light mode added.
- Windows dark mode setting honored.
Bugs |
Current Version (2023.08.02.1000)
New features |
- Copy 'Processed', 'Content' and 'Text' added.
- Save As 'Processed', 'Content' and 'Text' added.
- Options to output 'Processed', 'Content' and 'Text' added to Process Directory.
Bugs |
Version 2023.04.04.1552
New features |
- Company name changed to 'Rons Place Software Inc.'.
Bugs |
Version 2023.03.08.0758
New features |
- All Pro/Lite restrictions removed (now 100% free).
- Icons refreshed.
Bugs |
Version 2022.01.06.1626
New features |
- Signing certificate updated.
Bugs |
- HTML parsing bug fixed.
- Ignoring processing Word files when Word not installed bug fixed.
Version 2021.08.17.0819
New features |
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.8.
- Computer ID improved to ignore WiFi adapters.
Bugs |
Version 2020.12.08.1302
New features |
Bugs |
- License validation issue fixed.
Version 2020.07.07.1317
New features |
Bugs |
Version 2020.03.03.0845
New features |
- HTML Cleaner Pro/Lite introduced.
- Command line directory processing added.
Bugs |
- Copy bug fixed.
- Bugs and issues addressed.
Version 2019.10.21.1935
New features |
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.7.
Bugs |
Version 2019.08.02.1122
New features |
- Portable version introduced.
Bugs |
Version 2019.07.22.1629
New features |
Bugs |
- HTML processing issues fixed.
- Download errors fixed.
Version 2019.06.13.1116
New features |
- Performance improvements.
Bugs |
- Bug in Word wizard fixed.
Version 2019.06.08.1217
New features |
- Cleaner Wizard added to make creating Cleaners easier.
- Standard Cleaners added after install.
Bugs |
- Deleting closed tag bug fixed.
- Table cells now ignored when removing empty tags.
Version 2019.06.04.1537
New features |
- Direct Word open added.
- Batch processing now handles Word documents.
Bugs |
Version 2019.05.31.1634
New features |
- Keyboard shortcuts significantly improved.
- Ribbon keys significantly improved.
Bugs |
Version 2019.05.30.1500
New features |
- Opening Cleaner flow improved.
- Feedback opening invalid documents improved.
- Tool-bars cleaned up.
- Various small improvements.
Bugs |
- Clearing links opening clipboard bug fixed.
- Opening script from 'Resources' tab bug fixed.
Version 2019.05.15.1244
New features |
- Path details added to About window.
- Code signing certificate changed to 'Rons Place Software'.
Bugs |
Version 2019.05.01.0757
New features |
Bugs |
- Add Tag Rule single tag bug fixed.
Version 2019.04.09.0855
New features |
- Cleaner side bar added.
- Undo/redo added to Cleaner editor.
- Cleaner flow improved.
- Content (reading view) improved.
- Tag close processing added.
Bugs |
- Remove empty tags bug fixed.
- Add Tag Rule bug fixed.
Version 2019.03.28.1451
New features |
Bugs |
- Open Link Window bug fixed.
- Handling of incomplete URL's fixed.
Version 2018.06.05.1428
New features |
- Icons re-arranged for clarity.
Bugs |
- Create new Cleaner bug fixed.
Version 2018.05.23.1625
New features |
- Directory processing of HTML files added.
- HTML processing improved.
Bugs |
- Editing Cleaner rules crashing bug fixed.
- Various bugs fixed.
Version 2016.01.18.2004
New features |
- Text encoding handling significantly improved.
- Content extraction significantly improved.
Bugs |
Version 2015.09.27.1325
New features |
- 'Replace Text' and 'Replace Attribute Value' rules enhanced to include 'Match Case' and 'Whole Word' options.
- 'Text Encoding' rule added that can both HTML encode and decode text.
- 'Formatting Options' area added.
- 'Remove Empty Tags' formatting option added.
- 'Remove HTML Comments' formatting option added.
Bugs |
- Strange behavior when cancelling 'Save' of a Cleaner fixed.
Version 2015.09.18.1501
New features |
Bugs |
- None . . .
. . . well actually that's not very likely - there's probably quite a few. It is in Beta after all.