Version 2023.08.11.1527
New features
- None.
- None.
Version 2023.04.06.2125
New features
- Company name changed to 'Rons Place Software Inc.'.
- None.
Version 2022.07.22.1402
New features
- None.
- Occasional license deletion bug fixed.
- Reported bugs fixed.
Version 2022.06.13.0738
New features
- None.
- Reported bugs fixed.
Version 2022.05.23.1713
New features
- Pro Evaluation 30 license removed.
- None.
Version 2022.03.15.1205
New features
- Signing certificate updated.
- Unicode start edit bug fixed.
- Off-line license validation bug fixed.
Version 2021.09.07.0749
New features
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.8.
- Computer ID improved to ignore WiFi adapters.
- 'Fill Expression' removed.
- Quick Find refresh (blanking) bug fixed.
Version 2021.03.03.1329
New features
- 'Remove Empty Columns' added.
- CSV 'Escape Character' support added.
- None.
Version 2021.01.26.1742
New features
- None.
- License validation issue fixed.
Version 2020.11.16.1001
New features
- Multi-line text color added.
- Paste Transparent added to Cell Fill Lookup.
- License check auto-close fixed.
- Fix in cell newline handling.
- 'Show Detail' in 'Summary View' case handling fixed.
Version 2020.06.11.0943
New features
- None.
- Crash at startup fix.
- 'Show Detail' in 'Summary View' not opening fixed.
Version 2020.05.29.0454
New features
- Replace regular expression handling improved for empty matches.
- Copy HTML in Page per Row view improved.
- Empty 'Fill Value' now honored in 'Cell\Fill Lookup...'.
- Adjustment made to whole word match in 'Cell\Replace Lookup...'.
- Proxy port not being saved in Options fixed.
- Maximum cell size before parsing error now configurable - added to the options.
- Default paste format honored for all paste operations.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2019.10.22.0827
New features
- None.
- Proxy port bug fixed.
Version 2019.09.29.1211
New features
- Reverted due to functional issues: clarity improved for high DPI screens.
- 'Ctrl-Insert' shortcut assigned to ToolBox Update button.
- None.
Version 2019.09.19.2013
New features
- Updated to use .net Framework 4.7.
- Clarity improved for high DPI screens.
- Portable version introduced.
- Header refresh handling improved.
- XML export removed.
- Proxy settings added.
- Shortcut 'Ctrl-R' re-assigned to Refresh and 'Ctrl-F10' assigned to Sort.
- Row delete with Page per Row window bug fixed.
- Export HTML bug fixed.
- Excel detection bug fixed.
- Adjustment made to whole word match.
Version 2019.05.01.1504
New features
- Code signing certificate changed to 'Rons Place Software'.
- 'Cell\Fill Calculated..." expression function added for free form calculations.
- None.
Version 2019.03.18.1432
New features
- Column sort window adjusted to work in a more intuitive way.
- Column format validation crash fixed.
- Multi column sort issue fixed.
- Arbitrary length limit removed from Toolbox rules.
Version 2019.03.08.1742
New features
- Specific text encoding added to Import.
- Excel large text handling improved.
- Cell large text handling improved.
- Excel formula text handling fixed.
- Page per Row large font view fixed.
- Filter window system font handling improved.
- Sort stabilized.
Version 2019.02.20.0932
New features
- 'Match Case' added to Row Delete Duplicates and Row Merge.
- Bug fix in regular expression replace handling.
- Header overridden by Save As fixed.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2019.02.02.1056
New features
- File locks on load reduced.
- 'Text Remove' toolbox updated to include missing option.
- Wild card and regular expression added to filter.
- Regular expression added to Column and Row split.
- Document Summary significantly improved.
- Separator formats overhauled and streamlined.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2018.03.29.1544
New features
- Filter added to Go to Column window.
- Fixed width column positions can be saved and loaded on import.
- Empty column names now allowed.
- Search(s) can now ignore accented characters.
- More character encodings added to Export.
- None.
Version 2018.01.25.0833
New features
- Date matching improved to include month names in 'Date Replace' rule.
- Quick Find expanded to span rows.
- License entering issue fixed.
- Column header sort undo issue resolved.
- Terminal Server logging issue fixed.
- Quick Find Tool Box functionality smoothed.
- Running instance detection changed to work on shared server.
- Various bug fixes.
Version 2017.12.04.1307
New features
- Fill replace added to replace from a lookup table.
- Row move added.
- Toolbox rule added for HTML and URL encoding and decoding.
- Columns with the same name are now allowed.
- 'Duplicate To' added to compliment 'Duplicate From'.
- Toggle cell selection added to toggle between selecting the cells in a row or column and the whole row or column.
- 'Match Case' option added to filter.
- Quick filter now ignores word order.
- Cell edit put the cursor at the end of the text, rather then selecting it all.
- Shortcut keys for 'Alt+Home' for going to the first cell of the current column and 'Alt+End' for going to the last cell of the current column added.
- Search 'Enter' behavior changed to move to next match.
- License check added in preparation for portable version.
- Cell deletion when editing filter in Quick filter fixed.
- Various reported bugs fixed.
Version 2016.09.08.1526
New features
- Text padding tool added to the Toolbox.
- Tabbing between fields in 'Page per Row' fixed.
- Various reported bugs fixed.
Version 2016.09.01.1655
New features
- Memory handling improved to handle larger files.
- Text encoding header support added ('ASCII','ANSI' and 'UTF-8').
- Text encoding handling improved.
- Command line support added (run the Editor with /? for options).
- Thousands added to number format.
- Parser more resilient to badly formatted CSV.
- Computer ID failing on some machines fixed.
- 'Title Case' and 'Capitalize' apostrophe handling fixed.
- If an error occurs on save the Editor does not exit.
- Strange screen re-sizing issue when document opened whilst minimized fixed.
- Always surround bug fixed.
- File with no extension defaults to CSV.
- Undo row positioning improved.
Version 2015.09.27.1325
New features
- 'Fill Process..' changed to 'Fill Calculated...'.
- Handling of long column names on file open improved.
- Cell Editor positioning problem solved.
- Various reported bugs fixed.
Version 2015.09.18.1501
New features
- 'Fill Process' added to the 'Cell' menu, to add more complex fill scenarios.
- Text encoding added to the 'Import' window.
- Weight column added to 'Summary' panel.
- Various reported bugs fixed.
Version 2015.07.30.1830
New features
- 'Trailing New Line' default option added to the 'Options' window.
- Settings not being loaded correctly in 32 bit versions of Windows problem fixed.
- Character encoding issue fixed in 'Change Case' Toolbox rule.
Version 2015.06.30.1925
New features
- File encoding auto detect now defaults to that set in the 'Options' window.
- Internal problem with structure after paste fixed.
- Setting storage international issue fixed.
Version 2015.05.21.1851
New features
- Reset style button restored to 'Options' window.
- Auto refresh bug for files stored on One Drive/SharePoint fixed.
- Paste cells bug fixed.
- 'Page per Row' editing crash fixed.
- Filter after editing cell bug fixed.
- Font size bug fixed.
Version 2015.05.03.1011 - Markus Build III
New features
- Summary panel improved to select the current column when opened, given a shortcut and tool bar button.
- Editing improved to eliminate the possibility of double cell edits simultaneously.
- Sorting improved to include removing column in the sequence.
- 'Cell Content Viewer' not closed when cell editing and updates automatically shown.
- 'Cell Content Viewer' improved to select the current column when opened.
- Keyboard shortcut added for cell 'Clear Contents' (Backspace).
- Filter window layout improved.
- Wrap search now wraps when started from both button and keyboard.
- Column paste positioning bug fixed.
- 'Cell Content Viewer' new properly detects text encoding.
- Double shortcut removed (CTRL+G).
- 'Make Row Header' bug fixed.
- Refreshing locked file (open on another program) bug fixed.
Version 2015.04.07.0842 - Markus Build II
New features
- Summary panel improved to summarize over whole document/selected rows, summarizing with no change of column and allow change of column content data type.
- Tabs sometimes did not redraw under certain conditions.
- Text length update bug when there is only one column bug fixed.
Version 2015.04.02.1845 - Markus Build I
New features
- New Toolbox tool added: 'Extract text from HTML'.
- Wrap search added to Toolbox.
- Search format added in Toolbox 'Find/Replace - Date/Time' tool.
- Extra details added to the tool bar.
- Saving '.columns' file when not needed bug fixed.
- Lines as end of document not being written to file correctly bug fixed.
- Trailing line now detected at the end of documents generated from the Clipboard.
Version 2015.02.25.2127
New features
- Control over headers added to 'Document Properties' window and updated with 'Make Row Header' and 'Make Header Row'.
- 'Refresh' document reviewed.
- Move column to the top and bottoms added to 'Edit Columns' and 'Column Layout'.
- Number formatting in 'Find/Replace - Numbers' rule improved.
- Height calculation improved when editing cells.
- Menu entry for 'Find Next' added for clarity.
- Multiple document opening from Explorer bug fixed.
- Internal index out of range bug fixed.
Version 2014.12.03.0808
New features
- Options window tidied up.
- New document text encoding defaults added to options.
- Column sizes now configurable in centimeters and inches.
- Editing options added to column header context menu.
- Various bugs fixed.
Version 2014.11.23.1443
New features
- Always use field open/close option added to custom save formats, and custom copy formats.
- Various layout items improved.
- Display of incorrect license in the title after purchase fixed.
- Clipboard access error (OS) handled.
- Toolbox text replace: regular expression crash fixed.
- Toolbox date replace: out of range crash fixed.
Version 2014.11.16.1257
New features
- Pro and Lite licensing model introduced.
- Icons and images updated.
- Various bugs fixed.
Version 2014.05.26.2129
New features
- Read only columns introduced.
- Filter editors improved.
- End of file new lines now handled as a document property that can be set, or removed.
- Bug in Make Row Header fixed.
- Bug in filter description fixed.
Version 2014.05.13.1911
New features
- Install updated to work in a .net 4.0 only environment.
- Copy and paste formats made configurable.
- Empty find text now finds empty cells.
- Find/replace numbers can now use non numerical text as the replace value.
- Activating find (Control+F) now sets the focus to the find text box.
- Close all documents bug fixed.
- Drag/drop multiple documents bug fixed.
Version 2014.02.17.1903
New features
- Application brought in line with new website release.
- Problem processing non-English licenses fixed.
Version 2013.11.03.1339
New features
- Large data support added.
- Filter and Quick Filter views are now editable.
- Duplicate cell functionality added.
- GUI enhancements made.
- Moved to .net framework 4.0.
- Moved to .net framework 4.0 to fix stability issues on 64 bit Windows 7 machines.
- All reported errors fixed.
Version - 2013.09.09.2018
New features
- Help file removed. (To be implemented on the website).
- Preview cell contents window added.
- Goto column window added.
- Summary panel updated to allow multiple columns for summary grouping.
- Print headers can now be customized.
- Import updated and the ability to import to new columns added.
- Links made active in export/copy to HTML.
- Save performance improved.
- System font used through out.
- Error reporting improved.
- .net 3.5 installation removed from the install after causing OS stability issues.
- Incorrect Refresh behavior after column structure changed fixed by disallowing it.
- Bug in filtering fixed.
- All reported errors fixed.
Version - 2013.02.07.2042
New features
- External cell editors can be configured and used.
- You can now configure the row header to not sort in 'Tools\Options'.
- Multi file open through drag/drop or open dialog.
- All cells updated when more than one cell selected during edit.
- Title reflects save state.
- Correct number of lines shown when lines set to auto-expand.
- Files configured to have no header are not saved without one.
Version - 2012.12.04.1959
New features
- Carriage return/new line handling made transparent and added to document properties and export.
- Output encoding options added to XML and HTML export including CDATA and no encoding.
- Toolbox enabled in filter views.
- Edit panel keyboard handling improved.
- Copy single, paste many added.
- Sort re-enabled for summary view.
- Focus problem after Edit panel fixed.
Version - 2012.11.19.2006
New features
- Row split and merge added.
- Tab and new line added to all split and merge functions.
- Repeat last sort option added.
- Layout template GUI improved.
- Start-up time improved.
- Bug in undo after merge to same column fixed.
Version - 2012.10.27.1402
New features
- Layout templates introduced to allow the applying of new column layout and formatting with the single click of a button.
- Undo for column sort added.
- Find/replace separated from the Toolbox and made clearer.
- Import/export improved. Text formatting added as a final step.
- Row duplicate added.
- Edit flow refined in the main table.
- Various GUI refinements done.
- Problem with storage of certain separators fixed.
- Filter picking up the wrong column after layout changed fixed.
Version - 2012.09.30.1415
New features
Improved text encoding support (UTF-32, UTF-16, UTF-8, UTF-7, ASCII and auto detection of UTF-8 without BOM).
Document properties window added.
Toolbox tools added:
- Add random text
Toolbox tools improved:
- Find and replace numbers (with regions)
- Find and replace date/time (with regions)
- Remove text
- Remove space
Insert/delete cells added.
Rotate/shift cells added.
Clear cells added.
Copy without column header names added.
GUI tidied up.
- File separators being overwritten fixed.
- Handling of adverse files fixed.
- Many other small bugs fixed.
Version - 2012.07.25.2000
New features
Import and Export wizards introduced for better control over getting data in and out.
Support for fixed width text format added.
Toolbox introduced containing the tools:
- Find and replace text
- Find and replace numbers (with regions)
- Find and replace date/time (with regions)
- Add text
- Add space
- Add date/time
- Add numbers
- Remove text
- Remove space
- Remove numbers
- Change case
- Split name
Long running task handling introduced to further improve large document performance.
Copy column header names added.
- Many other small bugs fixed.
Version - 2012.06.30.1549
New features
- Printing overhauled and performance improved.
- Remove empty rows added.
- Remove duplicate rows added.
- Document load time halved.
- Redundant separators removed.
- Many performance improvements targeted at large file handling.
- Enter license window improved.
- In cell editing now expands to editor size.
- Last cell out of window and editor out of window fixed.
- Crash in Quick Filter fixed.
- Many other small bugs fixed.
Version - 2012.05.30.2043
New features
- New license model introduced.
- Help file added.
- UTF-8 file support added.
- Buttons and menus reviewed for a more consistent interface.
- Column template support added.
- Editing columns promoted to normal editing level (cut/copy/paste etc.).
- Swap column header with row (and visa-versa) added.
- Clear Cells added.
- Change Cell case added.
- Remove Extra Space added.
- Many performance improvements.
- Clipboard locking handled.
- Adding row whilst editing cell crash fixed.
- Exporting to different language versions of Excel now works.
- Column sorting crash in Import window fixed.
- File deleted during edit crash fixed.
- Many other small bugs fixed.
Version - 1.3.x
New features
- Undo/redo implemented.
- Editing panel added for cells with carriage returns and tabs, and multi-cell updates.
- Support for data types improved, including un-convertible cells.
- Text edit mode added for typed cells.
- Split column functionality added.
- Merge column functionality added.
- Sort window added for full control over sort.
- Refresh button (re)added.
- Drag and drop file import implemented.
- 'Start Page' shown when there is no report.
- File association moved to separate window for Windows 7 UAC.
- Set column width in Column Layout added.
- Setting for maximum column width added.
- File associations made on install (csv, psv and tsv).
- Boolean now displayed as tick.
Bug Fixes
- File load/save/import now use configured file extensions.
- Saving only surrounds a cell with field qualifier if a separator is in the cell.
- Boolean format added.
Version 1.1.X
New Features
- Editing functionality added.
- General framework updates.
Bug Fixes
- None
Version 0.4.34
New Features
- NA - Original version
Bug Fixes
- NA - Original version
Related Information
- A Perfect Excel alternative to handle CSV files
- Rons Data Edit for e-Commerce
- What is a CSV File
- What is the best CSV Editor
CSV Editing
Rons CSV Editor